Lipotropic Injections


Are your prepared to jump start your wellness journey? Lipotropic injections could be the key to unlocking a healthier, more vibrant you!


  • Pyridoxine (B6),
  • Methionine
  • Inositol
  • B12
  • L-carnitine 
  • The lipotropic vitamins injections are $200 for a 10 week supply.


What are the benefits?

 Vitamin B5– Helps body to produce healthy red blood cells, helps to build important hormones, helps body to process carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into energy.  Support healthy skin, hair, and nails.

Vitamin B6-supports immune system, brain, and heart health. Essential for body metabolism, helping to convert food into energy.

Vitamin B12-Helps support healthy Red Blood Cell formation to assist to prevent anemia.  Promotes healthy bones, reduces macular degeneration, increases mood, improves symptoms of depression.  Helps to promote healthy brain/nerve cell function.

MIC-stands for Methionine, Inositol, Choline

Methionine—helps to provide nourishment of hair, skin and nails, slows aging process in cells from pollutants.  Help to promote absorption of other nutrients like selenium and zinc.

Inositol-decreases metabolic syndrome risk, regulates and helps to process insulin, decreases the symptoms of PCOS, promotes hair and skin health.

Choline-benefits brain/nervous system health, improves memory, cognition, mood, and muscle control.  Benefits Live and cell function by removing fat and cholesterol.

Overall Benefits of MIC– Break down sugars to use as fuel, converts food to energy, and cuts muscle recovery.

Amino Acids

L-carnitine promotes weight loss, brain function and heart health.

L-arginine supports heart health by promoting nitric oxide production, helps build muscle, boost immunity, combats fatigue, and repairs wounds.

 Lipotropic injection benefits:  L-carnitine, L-arginine, B5, B6, B12 work together to provide a potent energy and mood boost.  Offering a more energetic, revitalized lifestyle.

**all medications has potential side effects, thus the weekly follow-ups to monitor progress as well to assess for these potential side effects**