
  • Appetite Control: Tirzepatide assists you to conquer cravings, adopt mindful eating habits by regulating appetite, leaving you satisfied with smaller portions.
  • Metabolic Boost: With tirzepatide, experience a powerful injection that not only aids in weight loss, but also revs up your metabolism, allowing you to burn calories efficiently, even during periods of rest.
  • Stable Blood Glucose Levels: Tirzepatide helps you to say farewell to energy crashes, sugar-induced carvings as it helps to regulate your blood glucose levels, fostering an improved feeling of energy and focus.
  • Supervised Program: With the guidance of your healthcare provider, tirzepatide provides a safe, effective weight loss journey. Tailored plans are crafted to meet your individual needs for optimal results

Free consultation, initial telehealth visit with plan exercise, nutritional guidance, access to your telehealth provider via a portal, weekly check-ins for accountability.

prices vary by availability, Contact sherry@balancerestored.co for a quote. 

**all medications has potential side effects, thus the weekly follow-ups to monitor progress as well to assess for these potential side effects**